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關於thyme的評價, 肥媽 Maria cordero

好耐好耐都無打理過個花園,都好幾個月了,今日一見到🙈唉....😪連啲rosemary, thyme 都謝晒。唔緊要,重頭嚟過,自己打理返,早幾日有fans 俾左啲菜苗我,有唔同的菜,多謝晒😘 You...

關於thyme leaves的評價, Opal Panisara Official

ใส่ตับลงไปที ใครก็ได้ใส่ตับไก่ลงไปที !!!!! #ขาวๆอวบๆ #ไก่น่องโต #แกงเขียวหวานน่องไก่ !! มื้อนี้เ...

關於wild mountain thyme的評價,

Emily Blunt Official 在《Wild Mountain Thyme》宣傳活動中,穿了 SAINT LAURENT 2020秋冬亮相;又是一套原本在秀上走完被低估的一套,有點幹練,有點...

All-Day Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs on top of Toasted Brioche and the side of Salad Greens. มารื้อฟื้นภาษากันซักโพสต์นะคะ ง่ายๆ โพสต์หน้ากลับภาษาไทยค่ะ😉 I intentionally made this clip without any background music just to prove my point that when making breakfast eggs, you don't need any sizzling sound. Low heat is definitely the key here. I started off with just a simple salad for the side. Mixing your greens to make your salad interesting. The vinaigrette couldn't be any simpler: a spring of fresh thyme, lemon zest, pinch of salt, couple cracks of black pepper, juice of half a lemon and half a tablespoon of EVOO. I use 2 eggs and when it comes to breakfast eggs, I prefer half and half, which is no avail in Thailand. So I put equal part of whipping cream and milk to make my own halves. About half a tablespoon of each. Pinch of salt and that's it. I will only put the heat on for the bread and absolutely no heat for scrambled eggs. So Medium-Low heat and melt some butter, then toast the bread directly in the pan. Grill to perfection and put it on the plate. Now, put off the fire. I will only use the carryover heat to scramble the eggs. Seriously, that's all the heat you need to cook the breakfast eggs. Cool down the pan a little bit by melting a little butter, then pour in the beaten egg. Fluffing the egg with a spatular or a whisk or chopsticks, whatever turns you on. Don't cook through, you need the egg to be fluffy and a little liquidy. I now sprinkle some cayenne pepper onto it. No black pepper cause I prefer the red dust to the black dots on my eggs. Put everything together. Make it pretty. Breakfast is cute and yummy. And you can enjoy it any time of the day. I used to drive to the diner at 2am to enjoy a piece of toast and omelette. Well, it's my thing. Breakfast is my fuel😘😋 #WhatIEatToday

All-Day Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs on top of Toaste...