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關於video conference的評價, 五月天 阿信

[ 轉眼 ] 新年快樂 轉眼,又一年。 都說 新年要有新希望, 幸好生活總是 交織著日常與無常, 讓我們在忙碌擾嚷中 忘了細數 那些未竟的新年希望。 到了這個年歲的我們, 才發現 一生本是轉眼與...

COVID-19 has been a forceful reminder of the necessity for countries to mount a united response to common threats like the pandemic and climate change. The Global Vaccine Summit is a donor pledging conference to fund the immunisation of children in poor countries against deadly but preventable diseases. But in the time of COVID-19, yesterday’s virtual event, which was co-hosted by the UK government and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, was also an opportunity for countries to come together to coordinate efforts to develop and produce a COVID-19 vaccine. I was invited to share Singapore’s efforts in this endeavour. Aside from our US$13 million contribution towards international efforts to combat the virus, we are investing in R&D on diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics, as well as building up our vaccine manufacturing capacity. We are all in the same fight together and Singapore will do our part in this global call for action. – LHL (PMO Video by Alex Qiu)

COVID-19 has been a forceful reminder of the neces...