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Working on the hips🧘‍♀️開髖 #瑜珈 🌸 昨天晚上教了一趟Flow,而我前一個晚上一直小猶豫我到底要不要教我最討厭的 Surya Yantrasana (臀部坐地羅盤式)⋯~因為我每次進入這個動作時,不是感覺臀部快要被拆成兩塊,就是脖子卡 下背卡 或肩膀卡😑 然後看學姐們做都好輕鬆🙈 唉!我一直以為是身體比例還是我太高,怎麼練都很難?😅 結果真的不是,因為昨天做完很多暖身跟臀腿的伸展後,我當下還是決定要來試這個動作⋯ 沒想到,這次突然做起來比平常舒服很多,對我來說算滿順了哈哈!😆 而做完這個 ,Hanumanasana(前後劈腿)也變更深了~ 開心💓 謝謝身體這幾天讓我慢慢回歸瑜珈練習❤️ 然後也謝謝跟我上課的學生和學姐長們 耐心地聽我講中文的口令,偶爾還貼心幫我找字😂 #轉螺絲 😝 Yesterday I taught a flow class with peak pose Hanumanasana (Split). While preparing the class, I was really hesitating if I should integrate the compass pose into the warm up sequence, because every time I do that pose, I kinda have a conversation with myself: “I hate this, noooo, my butt…!!! Ouch.. My shoulder is stuck. My neck is stuck… My back.. I am too tall for this… Jeez why does everyone else look so relaxed?… SHHH…..Shut up Eileen and breathe… “ hahaha… 😅🙃 Anyway, after warming up a lot and stretching out legs and hips during class, I decided in the moment to give this a try anyway. Guess what? I could straighten out my leg and actually twist! Never happened before haha…! Conclusion: Surprises happen when you don’t expect. 😇 Thanking my body for slowly improving flexibility and strength. And thanking my students for being patient, listening to my funny chinese yoga and helping me find words during class 😘 . . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogi #split #hanuman #hanumanasana #suryayantrasana #yogataiwan #taiwanyoga #tryagain #positivity #yogaforfun #yogaforlife #surfaceapparel #surfacesports #surfacequeen #shriyoga #yogakaohsiung #瑜伽 #愛瑜伽 #愛健康 #愛健身 #運動 #伸展

Working on the hips🧘‍♀️開髖 #瑜珈 🌸 昨天晚上教了一趟Flow,而我前一個...