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關於washing up的評價, 艾力克斯 Alex

媽媽去哪?第二天。 早上應該要六點起床,都已經來不急會很趕了。我跟Ryder睡到6:29!只有16分鐘要換衣服,刷牙,洗臉,梳頭髮,吃早餐,準備書包,穿鞋出門,快飆到車站趕上6:45的校車,一片混...

Video - Freshly Out The twins are still a few minutes old and covered with vernix. Thats what gives the aromatic pleasant smell to all newborns . Vernix Caseosa is a white cheesy material that covers newborns in the womb . It protects them from the amniotic fluid in many ways . Without it the skin becomes wrinkled . It also protects them from infection . Its beneficial to let it be on the newborns for some time before washing them off . Its been 2 days and we are still in the hospital . Dr Halina is doing well up and moving about . Breastfeeding has already begun every 2 hours . That means sleepless nights for her . We try to do as much skin to skin contact with the twins . These are critical times for bonding to develop - from our voices and touches . Most of the time Dads do not know what to do and just leave everything to Mommy . Its important for Dads to get involved during these precious times by cuddling them , cooing them , changing their diapers and many more . Babies could sense the presence of loved ones which will benefit in the long run . Just sharing ... Salam Everyone Love As Always PS - We are still undecided with their names . Any suggestions ? One with the same alphabet for both .... Sunway Medical Centre

Video - Freshly Out The twins are still a few min...