關於winner winner的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Update from the home front. We hit 1 MILLION DOLLARS raised yesterday which means one MORE winner a...
Update from the home front. We hit 1 MILLION DOLLARS raised yesterday which means one MORE winner a...
Last 3days to SiGn uP!!! ^^ Delphinus ▓Delphinus网络平模大赛▓ 亲爱的美眉们,想不想成为Delphinus新一季服装系列的模特儿啊? 自认有样...
因為我記得青跟我說,他的感言就在金曲獎的冊子裡,因此一到會場,我就拿起椅子上的場刊,立刻翻到最佳作詞人那一面... 看到裡面的內容,我真的很感動!甚至在冊子的右上角折了一個記號,以防代他領獎我要替...