關於布達佩斯大飯店的評價, 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies
總有一些事,讓你一夜長大;總有一個人,讓你一生感謝。 Some things make you grow up overnight, and some people you'll be grat...
總有一些事,讓你一夜長大;總有一個人,讓你一生感謝。 Some things make you grow up overnight, and some people you'll be grat...
總有一些事,讓你一夜長大;總有一個人,讓你一生感謝。 Some things make you grow up overnight, and some people you'll be grat...
生命中總有些人讓你朝思暮想,總有些時光讓你念念不忘。 In life, there are always people who you can't let go, and moments you...
生命中總有些人讓你朝思暮想,總有些時光讓你念念不忘。 In life, there are always people who you can't let go, and moments you...
有時候你懷念的不是那個人,而是一起共度的時光和感覺。 Sometimes what you long for, is not the person, but the times you spen...
✨卡羅維瓦里 ✨ 美到隨便拍都像在拍寫真 到處都像電影場景 #這裡有莫札特常住的飯店 #...
這預告讓心情灰濛濛的一週笑了出來,喘了一口氣。 無常的世上至少有一件確定會成真的事可以期待。 ...
愛,就是兩個人盼望著同一個未來。 Love is when two people dreamin...
有時候你懷念的不是那個人,而是一起共度的時光和感覺。 Sometimes what you l...
生命中總有些人讓你朝思暮想,總有些時光讓你念念不忘。 In life, there are a...