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🌹🌹GADIS KEBAYA 🌹🌹 - With the slogan “Glittering, Sensational and Uniquely Entertaining",pop pop factory leads its 8 singers/5 acts to launch the 2nd installment of its anniversary album "Bloom” entitled "Stars on pop pop". This special album aims to give listeners a sumptuous visual & aural song-and-dance retro party using plenty of imagination and creativity in interpreting everyone's collective memories of yesteryear’s musical glories. - pop pop factory帶領旗下8位歌手5個組合推出 《綻放》第二部曲《復古盛世 Stars on pop pop》合輯,賦予聽 覺與視覺一場奢華的歌舞派對,用新一代靈魂演繹大家的集體回憶百老匯。雖然是一幅50至70年代懷舊背景,但pop pop factory希望一樣可以引領現代青年咀嚼復古之美,讓時代與時代之間接軌。為了達到獨特與極致,《復古盛世》花盡心思選歌,讓那些你遺忘的老歌或童謠再被歌唱,被搖擺,呈現一個復古大總匯。 - 《復古盛世 Stars on pop pop》is now available at Popular CD-Rama. Grab one now! 现已在各大 Popular CD-Rama出售,一起来一场复古Party吧! - #melissaissinging #gadiskebaya #poppopfactory #starsonpoppop #newalbum #jazz #bengawansolo #2019

🌹🌹GADIS KEBAYA 🌹🌹 - With the slogan “Glittering, ...