法蘭克福攻略 在 疫情期間|如何買機票|機票被取消四次|被某航空整慘 |COVID-19|台灣|【阿官KUAN】 的影片資訊
My flights got cancelled four times from the same airline. Let's see how I managed to buy plane tick...
My flights got cancelled four times from the same airline. Let's see how I managed to buy plane tick...
I flied from Vilnius - Frankfurt - Paris - Taiwan on May 29 to 31. 33 hours in total. Let's see what...
為左拍攝得好D, 繼續天都未光唔訓走去拍片, 想盡量避開繁忙時間,唔好太影響餐廳... 而我地又能夠影到好既質數, 但一開鋪冇耐就已經有人開始排隊.... 呢條片一路拍一路勁大壓力感??? 大渣哥茶...
前幾天沒東西剪,又把今年去歐洲旅遊的片段拿出來~看了一下覺得,哇,其實蠻好看的,也想為自己留下一份回憶,所以我決定繼續來剪這個系列! - 我是米鹿,曾在韓國留學1年,開啟YT生涯,會固定在頻道帶來美食...
Check out who won the EA SPORTS FIFA match;) Great fun playing EA SPORTS FIFA and interviewing Bunde...
德國GERMANY│11天9夜景點全攻略 圖文詳細版: https://peipei.tw/2017-07-11-189/...
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