洛杉磯旅遊 在 《不萊嗯的烘焙廚房》藍莓貝果 | Blueberry Bagels 的影片資訊
★ 訂閱不萊嗯頻道→ https://goo.gl/iAjbRN 完整配方與操作說明:https://www.briancuisine.com/?p=6429 不萊嗯第一次吃到貝果,是在1999年於...
★ 訂閱不萊嗯頻道→ https://goo.gl/iAjbRN 完整配方與操作說明:https://www.briancuisine.com/?p=6429 不萊嗯第一次吃到貝果,是在1999年於...
30 May MORNING A short lil vlog :D (cuz my USC tour has to be on its own ^^) Went Mr Holmes Bakehou...
洛杉磯第4日!!! - Brunch at The Penthouse (Santa Monica) - 3rd Street Promenade to do shopping!! - Venice ...
27-28 May at Los Angeles Went Round ONE, JJ Cafe, Little Tokyo, Ontario Mills Outlet, OUE Skyspace L...
i meant 26 MAYYYY!!!! Went back to Los Angeles and Las vegas for a week at the end of May. So Happy ...
一年一度的奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮即將來臨,每一年都會好期待這盛事! 有機會到訪美國洛杉磯,一定要去奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮會場-Dolby Theatre (杜比劇院) 朝聖呀! 去Dolby Thea...
Sorry it took me a while to get back to editing my US vlogs! I have so much footage but it took me s...
在美國洛杉磯 Newport Beach 外海看到大量的海豚出沒!...