漢口路四段 在 只要249元的老四川/多50元的鼎王!這家鴨血豆腐超入味!咬下就爆汁!配餐飲料好好喝!下次必定再訪!防疫獨享鍋!Taiwan's epidemic prevention lunch 的影片資訊
🌟鼎王麻辣鍋(漢口店) 台中市北區漢口路四段385號 🌟老四川巴蜀麻辣燙-台中漢口店 台中市北區漢口路四段291號 築間178元居然還送春水堂珍奶超幸運!料滿出來多的太嚇人啦!湯頭和醬料都好吃!佛...
🌟鼎王麻辣鍋(漢口店) 台中市北區漢口路四段385號 🌟老四川巴蜀麻辣燙-台中漢口店 台中市北區漢口路四段291號 築間178元居然還送春水堂珍奶超幸運!料滿出來多的太嚇人啦!湯頭和醬料都好吃!佛...
饌和牛高CP值「和牛五重奏」吃到飽! 超邪惡土石流和牛泡芙必吃~ 酥脆泡芙夾入紮實和牛漢堡肉🤤 再淋上肉汁、起司和蜂蜜芥末調和的醬汁 另外四樣和牛品項也不能錯過: 澳洲極致饌和牛、蔥動和牛捲、和牛肉燥...
顏值超高「黛黛茶」芒果椰朵冰沙(´,,‧ω‧,,)♡ 香濃芒果冰沙加入椰奶口感超消暑~ 底層還放入粉嫩的玫瑰寒天 黃白粉漸層不只好拍還很好喝!🥰🥰 「覆盆子大吉嶺」也是有顏值用料又實在~ 吃得到覆盆子...
Is it possible for Taiwanese students to learn English to a level equal to that of a mixed race, hal...
I take a look back at a video I made three years ago and see what I did well (not much) and what I d...
After I discovered the joys of Kaoliang milk tea and Kaoliang Americano Coffee in Ku's recent video ...
Is it true that all foreigners in Taiwan are losers? They couldn't be successful in their home count...
感謝 #ShopBack 讓我可以去台中爽吃兩天~ ☀註冊ShopBack 就能賺取100元獎勵金! https://lihi1.com/4j3Zn ☀安裝ShopBack小幫手,隨時追蹤#現金回饋...
I share the 5 days that have been the happiest in my 12 years here in Taiwan... Some of them will be...
Which life is more suitable for foreigners in TAIWAN? City or Countryside? After 12 years of living ...