腸穿孔治療 在 [吐槽] 開刀開到睡著是正常的嗎..? | 浪漫醫生金師傅S2EP2 X 醫學深度解析 | 蒼藍鴿評評理EP2 的影片資訊
This video was only for medical education, not for commercial use. The copyright of those drama clip...
This video was only for medical education, not for commercial use. The copyright of those drama clip...
This video was only for medical education, not for commercial use. The copyright of those drama clip...
胃潰瘍 專題 - 施蘊知腸胃肝臟科專科醫生@FindDoc.com 資料來源:http://www.FindDoc.com 背景:周先生早前入院治療胃出血,出院後曾再作胃鏡覆檢,但無任何跟進建議,周...
胰臟炎 專題 - 施蘊知醫生@FindDoc.com 資料來源:http://www.FindDoc.com 背景:Ted從事酒吧業,需要經常飲酒。近兩個月下腹常脹痛,並沒有其他病徵。Ted的朋友之...