附加英文 在 MY TOP 3 Most EMBARRASSING Stories in TAIWAN (STORY TIME Ep. 1) 的影片資訊
REGISTER NOW: http://bit.ly/lifeintaiwan DISCOUNT CODE(10€ discount on the deposit): JOIN41 LINGOD...
REGISTER NOW: http://bit.ly/lifeintaiwan DISCOUNT CODE(10€ discount on the deposit): JOIN41 LINGOD...
Nordvpn會有3折優惠再送一個月全免費service給你, 而為慶祝Nordvpn 8歲生日, 2月10號之前申請會機會得到免費禮品! 請使用以下連結: https://nordvpn.com/d...
我哋講人/事/物嘅時候經常會附加相關例子佐證。用中文引用例子時,我哋識得運用好多「例如」、「譬如說」、「舉例來說」;反之用英文舉例子時,很多人只會用 "for example" 或者 "such as...
#北海道自由行 #札幌二條市場 #二條市場交通 #北海道観光 Hello大家好, Hello, everyone. 歡迎大家陪我一齊去旅行, 好榮幸能夠成為你們的嚮導 Welcome to tra...
Absolutely not a political opinion video but rather just a discussion between me and Prozzie about w...
After reading a very interesting report which ranked countries from around the world on how stressed...
The differences between the many countries that speak English can be quite huge and we often misunde...
? 2020年【成人英語再起步】課程 真人班 已滿額,暫停收生。 【成人英語再起步】網上課程試堂: ● 初階文法篇 - https://bit.ly/2zGpEFt ● 中階文法篇 - https...
I happily accepted the Taitung government's invitation to travel to some of the hotspots in Taitung ...
In this video I put Ray Du from RD English to the test using British movies to see how good his unde...