頭髮多髮型 在 今日多舊魚:天氣的錯 的影片資訊
There are only 2 things I wanna know from watching weather forecast. Stop forcing me to sit for the ...
There are only 2 things I wanna know from watching weather forecast. Stop forcing me to sit for the ...
A quick interview answering some of the questions that I have been asked the most. I only did this b...
When you get me started on "narcissist", don't expect me to finish everything in a single episode. M...
Men and women possess really different habits and behaviors, do you notice the difference between th...
Just a quick video about a meaningful competition i wanna share with u guys. The link to the com...
This is why I can't shoot my freestyle videos outdoor. I'm back and will be active again on Youtu...
最近香港這邊真的開始進入炎熱的狀態 本來在秋冬容易打理的頭髮也開始進入瘋狂狀態了 所以 今天特別想將這個近幾星期都對它愛不惜手的美髮配件推薦給大家 尤其適合 ♥上班急著要出門的你 ♥頭...
Sorry咁多位haters,未問過就用你地黎做題材交功課。但因為我諗唔到你地除左咁仲有咩利用價值,希望唔好介意。 微博: http://t.sina.com.cn/1752225614 Fa...
This piece of work is not solely mine; witness the group effort from the people who put in the time ...
Facebook stalkers are the most pathetic people on earth. They spend half a day on internet checking ...