amoy 在 [VLOG] eating all the things I ? + whisky tasting & spending time w the team & matt 的影片資訊
Disclaimer: This vlog was filmed before the new rules were in place. Enjoy the vlog and stay safe! ❤...
Disclaimer: This vlog was filmed before the new rules were in place. Enjoy the vlog and stay safe! ❤...
這一集,我又搵左阿妹一齊係公司煮大餐 太耐冇過香港,有啲掛住土匪雞翼 然後淘大Send 左幾樽大漠孜然風味醬過嚟 事就這麼成了!陣味真係好似? ——————————————————————— #淘大...
九份飽,係一間價位平民既台式小吃店 牛肉麵,滷味,小吃,台灣茶飲,款式唔多 但水準尚可,所以開左一段時間都好多人排隊 最勁最出名係佢既裝飾,整到成間都係打卡風格 所以老中青都比佢吸引曬,仲好識選址 九...
疫情下的香港 純粹記錄一下 前身係影藝戲院,2018年改裝成UA 戲院 全 Barco 4K 鐳射投影 + 1 院追加 Dolby Atmos 3 間影院均改用 Barco 4K 鐳射投影 ...
💰 (綠界) 糧草小額贊助連結,您的支持是我們努力的動力! (安全隱密可靠:信用卡、ATM、網路ATM、超商) PAYPAL糧草贊助 htt...
For this episode, we decided to live a day as Korean! Korean culture has taken the world by storm in...
淘大花園市況(Amoy Gardens)!! 仲有人記得03年的淘大嗎!? 估唔到今時今日18區輪住出事!! [4K60F] 18/12/2020 #淘大花園 paypal 捐贈 PayPa...
Back with another October vlog for you guys! Another busy month has passed once again... and adoptin... 今次食上海菜 價錢合理,水準唔錯,可以一戰 招牌小籠包(4隻)$36,有機燕麥炸饅頭 蘆筍炒牛柳粒,酸辣湯,...
蒸煮微波燒烤爐 (淘寶開箱) 有好嘢介紹(系列) ...