aristotle 在 [上錯賊船] 中學要讀Physics既五個理由 的影片資訊
[真人真事] 記得一次有個學生問左一句:「你讀咁多physics就係為左黎教我地呀?」當中語帶諷刺,頓時令我回想起讀書所謂何事,尤其係讀physics。 好多人都會覺得中學讀既physics九唔搭八...
[真人真事] 記得一次有個學生問左一句:「你讀咁多physics就係為左黎教我地呀?」當中語帶諷刺,頓時令我回想起讀書所謂何事,尤其係讀physics。 好多人都會覺得中學讀既physics九唔搭八...
Section II Force and Motion 2.2 Force and Motion Newton's first law of motion...
Hi guys! Here are all the books that I've read in the month of January! ARISTOTLE AND DANTE DISCOVE...
Hi! It’s finally time for my first book haul! I’m excited to show you the books I just got! BOOKS :...
阿里士多德 Aristotle (古希臘哲學家) 講過: Human nature is knowledge 歐幾里得 Euclid (古希臘數學家) 既一個故仔: 一個學生開始學第一個命題,就問歐幾...