as such therefore 在 Weekend Shopping!Sampheng Market! / Shopping area in the Bangkok China Town 的影片資訊
Sampheng Lane is home to many stores. There are many different types of stores, such as accessory st...
Sampheng Lane is home to many stores. There are many different types of stores, such as accessory st...
#Wes農業之美系列 #AgTech #可分解生質農地膜 EP 1 不塑之客:不可思議的農業新技術 🌿 EP2 最先進的臺灣茶業技術!科學革命...
【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。 【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南...
Hello everybody! WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL MSKUAN I’m so excited to share this with you guys as...
Hi everyoneee, as some of you may already know I am a huge animal lover and my pets are such a signi...
剛到台灣時,完全沒想到我會留那麼久, 本來只想說要待個一年,有個經驗就好... 台灣有個魔力,會讓人流連忘返... 等到工作變成必須從早到晚坐在電腦前、盯著螢幕, 才會知道可以跟小孩們互動一整天多幸福...
Hello! I hope all of you are well and healthy. In this episode, I share my experience in keeping ...
It was established by Arthur and Walter's Dabiddoson brother and William Sylvester Harleys in 1903. ... ミニマリストやシンプルライフに代表される少ない物で生活すると言う知恵は今に始まったことではありません。私が見つけたネタで一番古い物はコナンドイルの『緋色...