babyjamie 在 s&j《時裝》$500一身名牌造型?!老公揀嘅衫真 "靚" 的影片資訊
有朋友提議叫我哋用最低成本打造一個靚靚造型。 唔知大家覺得$500嘅BUDGET夠唔夠貼地,夠唔夠實惠呢? $500可以買到啲咩?一條褲?一件衫?一對鞋? 今次我哋挑戰嘅係全身嘅造型都係要喺$500嘅...
有朋友提議叫我哋用最低成本打造一個靚靚造型。 唔知大家覺得$500嘅BUDGET夠唔夠貼地,夠唔夠實惠呢? $500可以買到啲咩?一條褲?一件衫?一對鞋? 今次我哋挑戰嘅係全身嘅造型都係要喺$500嘅...
Car top picnic is our new topic for 《EAT》…We honestly considered celebrating Valentines Day Lunch ea...
團年飯/情人節咁樣慶祝夠曬難忘啦掛!!又唔使訂位,又唔使同人逼,最重要係夠曬安全! 車上野餐,呢個題材真係唔錯。依家出去做嘢,好多時都係同陳生喺車上開餐,如果有時間就會搵個開揚D嘅露天地方慢慢食。聽落...
a flat tour would scare the **** out of you??? It's such a mess... Everything's in the wrong place.....
flat tour可能嚇親大家 宜家亂到呢! d野係無晒秩序,d野全部亂咁擺 無辦法,仔仔d野太多啦? 都算係room tour??? 估唔到最舒服、寬敞房間係Damon既? 24考父母??? A...
Some last minute CNY prep include cleaning the house so its spick and span and also getting a new ha...
過年洗邋遢? 情人節set靚髮❤️ 講真清潔Sarah 一定唔夠Jason有研究,執屋吸塵都好分得好細,趁着新年前,揀選最輕身嘅Dyson Digital Slim Fluffy Pro,準備大掃除...
Sarah doesn't drink... ... so Jason drinks it all!!! "All" is only 2 glasses hahaha but enough to fo...
Sarah就完全唔飲嘅 ... 唯有Jason飲晒佢啦??? "飲晒佢" 只不過係兩杯? 已經有呢個效果! 係,Jason超唔飲得! 有好多新野! 啲正嘢陸續有嚟呀!!!...
Many of you have asked me to share my confinement experiences with you. It’s a really hard topic to ...