bb reference 在 男友再次幫我化妝!ft.Maybelline水凝BB無瑕輕感氣墊實測(AD) -C'est Agnes 的影片資訊
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今集淘的滅蟑清,都唔知D曱甴太聰明定太細隻... 好多BB曱甴都唔食滅蟑清,直行直過 但落左藥後,的確有死曱甴出現,但要keep住落藥先有效 如果想要Link可以留言問我~ 如果喜歡這條影片,記得...
根據2007年嘅統計,香港嘅Xanga帳戶有370,016個,佔全港約42萬個網誌?接近九成?。 雖然當時10個有9個朋友都有玩?,但好景不常,facebook嘅興起迅速令Xanga喺幾年間從香港網絡...
CLICK ME FOR MORE INFO! This video is mainly for reference particularly for those who are intereste...
This video is short, but many people have asked that I post more often, so this was my attempt at ma...
生米放得越久,當中的水份會越來越少,變成舊米,怎樣煮都生硬。難道舊米就無法煮回新米一樣的美味米飯嗎?日本達人教授煮飯方法,原來只要加上冰塊,就可讓舊米變得超級好吃! 煮飯步驟: 1. 煮飯前,先放...
R.I.P.「炸你老母High呀...Shit...」 天津爆炸造成44人死亡,500多人受傷。有位網民就打咗一篇哀悼文,佢先為天津爆炸事件哀悼一下,然後就開始為佢嘅淘寶貨被炸而哀悼,佢仲話今次係第...
Product Featured (as I said if there are prices on the boxes, I would type it for your reference, if...
Product Featured (I forgot about some of the prices because they were bought for awhile, but I will ...
HELLO EVERYONE! :) ( MORE INFO BELOW!) This is my first skincare routine video :) This video was re...