bbc life 在 Festive Fail 的影片資訊
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the holidays safely. May 2021 bring you lots o...
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the holidays safely. May 2021 bring you lots o...
My birthday was spent very different this year but it just as meaningful and special. Despite everyt...
It has been so long since I've been able to hang with my bestie. We had the BEST DAY EVER shopping a...
In this art / documentary-based film. I spend 3 days #stayhome in Oculus glass to see if virtual rea...
【講義メモ】 ・ILOは最大2470万人が失業予測 ・トランプ元高官、米では200万人が失業? ・リーマンショックは80万件 ・マリオットは前年比75%減少 ・失業率が回復するまでに3〜4年 ・なに...
6th Album 「いつか出会う君へ」 公開曲5曲に加えて未公開曲4曲入り 1. いつか出会う君へ 2. Good Night 3. 世界滅亡 4. 夜へ逃げよう 5. 現実逃避 6. 日没 7....
#記得打開CC字幕 #歡樂無法黨 #告一段落 ✔︎ 成為志祺七七會員: ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道:
ニコ生とFRESH! でお馴染みの 「KAZUYAの(意味深)な話|KAZUYA CHANNEL GX」の生放送をYouTubeでも! 続きはこちら!→
取材片段:BBC Politics - “I will shortly leave the job...
[有中文字幕] 外國人在臺灣生活體驗 What are the different phases that many foreigners go through when living in Taiw...