直接來看第一個消息,這就是一個不好的消息,勇士隊的嘴綠跟James Wiseman確診,預計要先隔離10-12天,今天是12/8,勇士新賽季第一場比賽是12/23對上籃網隊,所以這兩名球員開季來的及回...
*據說他身高其實只有6'7,加爆炸頭的時候才會有6'9 [BGMs] 1. Falling by Sappheiros 2. fight back instrumental by Neffex...
請訂閱【諾斯】的頻道: ▸ 請訂閱【諾斯生活秀】的頻道: ▸ ----------------------------...
Dikembe Mutombo looked as if he'd been playing with the Philadelphia 76ers for years instead of hour...
はい辛いです: 皆さんはBen Wallace と Ron Artest が当時、誰にも止められずに喧嘩になって...
NBA籃板高手非常多 ,2000年之後包括Dwight Howard、Kevin Garnett甚至是活塞的Ben Wallace等球員都是很出色的籃板高手!而在上古時代,偉大的張先生Wilt Cha...
The Pacers–Pistons brawl (colloquially known as the Malice at the Palace)[2][3] was an altercation t...
Allen Iverson was trying to stay with his man on defense when he slammed full-force into Rasheed Wal...
Every time there was a missed shot, the Philadelphia 76ers showed just how desperate they were. Dom...