birthday poster 在 【姆斯裝死】下跪、胡鬧AD、扶起女球迷|字母哥生日炸彈;快艇LG傻眼@@ 的影片資訊
1. LeBron James shows KINDNESS TO Waitress 2. LeBron James Pretends to Die 3. LeBron James Helps Wed...
1. LeBron James shows KINDNESS TO Waitress 2. LeBron James Pretends to Die 3. LeBron James Helps Wed...
這次的影片比我預期的長QQ可以開1.25或1.5倍喔喔~ 影片裡面的文具購買資訊我按照順序打在資訊欄 請展開閱讀👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻(這應該是我目前為止最詳細的一次XD) 🍒下面購物資訊排列:時間 / 商品...
I had too much time in my hands during my 2nd year Diploma mid semester break! comment "I SEE IT!"...