buddhas 在 萬佛寺?香港好地方??大家童年回憶有幾多?當年?今日 沙田 萬佛寺 大家幾耐?️去過 同以前有乜唔同 ❓大家嚟傾吓?逾半世紀歷史 超過12,800座佛像?多尊精美金羅漢像相伴??新春祈福? 拜太歲? 的影片資訊
???我有1000多條片?大家入呢個網址 ?全部可以睇曬? https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip??? ??I have more than 1000 movies?Everyone ...
???我有1000多條片?大家入呢個網址 ?全部可以睇曬? https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip??? ??I have more than 1000 movies?Everyone ...
萬佛寺(Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)完整行一次!! 360度都係神像零死角!! 500尊羅漢神態各有不同!! 猶如人生百態各自修行!! 17/01/2021 ...
The other four aspects of human existence -- feeling, thought, will, and consciousness -- are likewi...
「世界上最厲害的經是什麼?」 我這十多年能度過重重難關,也因爲我有唸誦這部經。感恩根本傳承上師聖尊蓮生活佛的加持! 這部經能滅生死苦,消除諸毒害。 無論你是面對官非、被下降頭、事業不振、重病連連...
★Twitter → https://twitter.com/sakaijun ★Udemy → http://sakaijunsoccer.appspot.com/onlinecourse ★Fac...
Hi everyone! IT's OFFICIAL we are posting weekly! ??? In vlog #2 we are adventuring up the hill gu...
阿彌陀佛,玳瑚師父在這裡祝天下的所有父親,父親節快樂。 孝順的原理,不是建立在「方便」兩個字裡。 無論在不方便或方便的情況下,我們身爲子女的,都一定要明白,有父母才有我們。 我們小時候大小便,不...
Part 1 of my collaboration with Flo from Yogawinetravel - where I show her my favourite places in Ho...
Best KoreanTravel Vlog online 2017-Seoul Lantern Festival 2017-Lễ Hội Đèn Lồng Seoul 2017이번에 연등회에 가서...
A Buddhist Monastery that is hidden in the hills of Shatin, I'll show you how to get to the monaster...