2011.08.17 Oregon Crater Lake Mazama Village Campground Crater Lake National Park Campfire...
2011.08.17 Oregon Crater Lake National Park Mazama Village Campground...
2011.08.11 OREGON COAST Cape Lookout State Park Campground 太平洋海岸 俄勒岡州露營 蟹都玩死...
2011.08.11 OREGON COAST Cape Lookout State Park Campground 自己捉的螃蟹最好吃 太平洋海岸 俄勒岡州海灘...
2011.08.10 太平洋海岸 俄勒岡州的露營 Cape Lookout State Park Campground 這年頭小孩沒有了電腦過不了...
2011.08.08 Cape Lookout State Park Campground 俄勒岡州的海灘邊露營 撿柴...
2011.08.08 Cape Lookout State Park Campground 俄勒岡州的海灘 寧靜的營火夜 campfire...
2011.08.08 俄勒岡州的海灘 Cape Lookout State Park Campground OREGON COAST...
2011.08.07 俄勒岡州的海灘 Highway 101 - West Coast of the USA Cape Lookout State Park Campground 露營 CAMPFI...