can do台中 在 DAY 3 Taichung! Paragliding? Spent Our Day at Taroko (Indoor Bowling, VR, Food) 台中大魯閣室內 🎳 好玩又好吃~~ 的影片資訊
Day 3 of our Taichung trip! I've been holding off on the edit because I wanted to combine the footag...
Day 3 of our Taichung trip! I've been holding off on the edit because I wanted to combine the footag...
[Eviday] 今天吃的餐廳地址 Robin’s Singapore Cusine 地址:No, No. 35向上南路一段西區台中市403 台中星馬美食第一集: https://www.yout...
★ 新生代舞者演員雙棲「韓寧」主演 ★ 昏鴉樂團陳容寬導演再一跨界力作 不想像別人一樣 不想像大家一樣 不想像你一樣 不想像你想的一樣 膩了那些一模一樣 我就是愛自己的四不像 I’m a Père...
Is it possible for Taiwanese students to learn English to a level equal to that of a mixed race, hal...
Which life is more suitable for foreigners in TAIWAN? City or Countryside? After 12 years of living ...
How much money do I earn in one month now that I have become a full-time youtuber? Let’s take a look...
??WHERE CAN YOU FIND ME? Email for work: Instagram
After a few over sensitive commenters on my videos recently it made me think as to whether or not th...
Prozzie, Jesus and Andre and myself go for a stir fry meal and some drinks and while we are there we...
How much money did I make from my video "Is Taiwan Safe?" after it reached 1 million views recently?...