covid19free 在 s&j COVID-19 Hong Kong's CHAMPION supermarket but most people won't agree 的影片資訊
I suppose what is convenient for us most likely isn't convenient for most of the people. Most conven...
I suppose what is convenient for us most likely isn't convenient for most of the people. Most conven...
咁當然方便我哋嘅超市未必方便所有其他人 對我哋來講最方便一定係屋企樓下 環境又熟悉 超市裏面嘅同事有熟 行落街5分鐘就已經到 真係好感恩喺疫情期間唔使擔心搵地方買野 呢排疫情又開始唔穩定 大家要小心...
The situation with the pandemic in Hong Kong is slowly stabilising so finally Mr Chan has plucked up...
疫情喺香港慢慢受控啦 陳生終於敢踏出屋企出面拍野 陳太終於可以出街啦??? 但係都要做好自己個人衛生 去超市當然要小心揀 有啲選擇多啲 有啲離屋企近啲 有啲人少啲 點為之最好嘅超市冇一個準則 大家睇...
originally we wanted just film supermarket tactics but as we went along "supermarket problems" surfa...
原本想拍買餸寫菜單嘅問題 拍拍下諗起一啲其他搞笑嘅嘢 咁咪拍吓囉 香港疫情已經慢慢受控 大家應該慢慢將擔心減少 我哋一直都跟外國新聞跟得好貼 英國澳洲香港專家教嘅嘢我哋都跟晒 都算係做得好足 專家...
The new normal is very strange Covid-19 is still hanging around Shopping is no longer fun Shopping h...
疫情慢慢受控 但係日常生活都未能回復正常 好掛住以前行超市嗰種輕鬆開心 依家買嘢變咗一種工作,唔做唔得,唔好玩 買嘢唔一定要出街,唔一定緊張 上網啦! 大家要繼續好好保護自己,好好照顧大家 ...
We've been wanting to Vlog the experience of going to the supermarket But to the shop and to stay cl...
等咗好耐,終於肯拍呢個題材 如果真係買餸嘅時候拍嘅話都真係幾緊張 呢類型好認真做嘢嘅時候拍花絮好難 所以諗到呢個辦法去模拟成個買餸嘅過程 輕鬆好多,但係當中有啲步驟就唔記得咗 上次拍返工嘅過程都講咗少...