define these days 在 What's Your Definition of Success 的影片資訊
What does it mean to you to have success? Many people want to be successful, but everyone has a diff...
What does it mean to you to have success? Many people want to be successful, but everyone has a diff...
東方人適用的自然歐美系彩妝 Natural Western Makeup for Asians 歐美妝的盛行讓許多東方女孩躍躍欲試, 卻又因大部份的歐美妝容過於濃厚, 讓一般人容易失手. West...
Hello my awesome possums! Here are my favourites of the month of June (Beauty, fashion and miscella...
Hello my itty bitty beautiful snowflakes! Quite a few people have recently told me my face looks sh...