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🎀 歡迎按讚👍+訂閱 沛莉YouTube頻道► http://bit.ly/periyoutube 最近在幫新家添購傢俱、家電,趁家裡還沒塞滿、亂亂的時候,拍一下裝潢給大家看,同時也開箱介紹我9/7在...
Vlog 168/2016: I am SO in love with this machine -- they should pay me as their spokesperson or some...
VLOG 165/2016: After having a go with the Dyson V8 Fluffy the other day, we went to check out the di...
DYSON V8發報會 Please leave a comment and like this video and don't forget to subscribe!...
VLOG 159 : This sucks man. I hate lugging my heavy vaccum around but if I don't vacuum everyday, I'...
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Cayin - 吸塵機可令樂豬有幾興奮,有幾聽話? ♥Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/luicayin ♥Instagram: https://instagr...
■dyson日本官方網站 http://www.dyson.co.jp/shop/vacuum-cleaners.aspx?subcat=Cordless ■Amazon DC74MC購買頁面 ht...
2015年5月10日 發佈dyson DC74MC的使用感想及清潔方法囉! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bok39asc620 趕快點上面的連結來看吧! ■dys...