em5ii 在 s&j our new camera: SONY a6400 VS Olympus EM5ii 的影片資訊
WOW, we can't remember when exactly it was when we first started using Olympus... but we have filmed...
WOW, we can't remember when exactly it was when we first started using Olympus... but we have filmed...
Olympus都用咗差唔多3年 拍咗好多搞笑野 但係好想d片提升素質。 其實Canon EOS R, Nikon Z7/6 都考慮咗好耐! 點解換SONY呢? 佢地mirrorless大家都讚 鏡頭...
this week has flown by! too much to talk about... Sarah and our son are doing well we're all gettin...
呢個 vlog係比較短 呢個星期真係非常忙 d 時間都唔知去咗邊... 仔仔出世啦 sarah同仔仔都好好 番到屋企之後都慢慢適應緊 真係要多謝醫院既所有同事既照顧 工作又好充實 先做番綜藝 傾緊...
this was the last vlog before our son was born and we thoroughly enjoyed our date at the Gold Coast ...
呢個應該係我地個仔出世之前最後既vlog 行街,睇戲... 幾時先再可以拍拖呢??? 部 Bentley堅舒服, 開車,坐車一樣舒服... 所以諗到喺車裡面開餐 咁就可以完完全全表達嗰種享受。 下...
thanks for all your well wishes❤️ Sarah and our baby son are home and resting we've read all you lov...
多謝大家既祝福 Sarah同 b仔都好好呀 佢地都休息緊 唔知遲d會唔會捉個仔拍野??? 呢個vlog 係之前拍既 所以有d存貨 都唔算太舊既 可能喺instagram會放d story同相 大家...
we suppose, the first must-have has got be a name... which we haven't decided on yet hahaha the Chin...
Jason:呢排 Sarah要休息多d 所以我地拍既野都係d輕鬆容易拍既野 Sarah:緊張大師好緊張呀? Jason:太緊張啦??? Sarah:喺我地準備迎接 #BossBaby 我地做咗好多功課...