exaggerate 在 S&J we moved AGAIN?!?!... A MESSY HOUSE TOUR, a 300sq ft kitchen & a WALK-IN WARDROBE!?!? 的影片資訊
Never thought we'd move this year, but then again last time we moved it was unexpected too. Last tim...
Never thought we'd move this year, but then again last time we moved it was unexpected too. Last tim...
You might like my vlog channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sQ3_5cOrfoFl2cB89VcCw?sub_confirma...
Items used Spectraban - sunscreen cream spf 30 @bobbibrownthailand - vitamin enriched face base @esp...
∞ F O L L O W M E A R O U N D ∞ ⇢ Instagram http://bit.ly/2AkKeJM ⇢ My works at MING’S http://bit.ly...
Full footages on JBL Unbreakable Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkX7WffGr0Dl1GvvJj7ND6w ...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kiphalu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ryankiphalu Lyrics:...
紹介した商品! ーPACSUN https://www.brandymelvilleusa.com/nicolette-lace-tank-166-p4-ab.html (私のトップスの色はSOLD...
ご視聴どうもありがとうございました! 今日は、彼氏とデートに行く日によくしているピンク系のメイク&巻き髪のGet Ready With Meです★ ZARAで買った新しいジャケットにセーターも最近のお...
看過之前瓦倫西亞vlog的朋友應該知道,我放了半天假,自己去逛街買了一堆彩妝品 ? 今天的影片咧~就是來跟大家分享我買的東西和這些彩妝品的試色和實測囉!請大家準備好零食飲料來跟我一起化妝吧!? P...
Questions used: 1. Most likely to laugh at the wrong moment 2. Most likely to fall while walking 3....