fishtank 在 ⟦Bwong⟧ 年少時嘅阿B曾經一朝得志, 語無倫次, 後得高人指點, 攞起相機, 由幕前變幕後 - Bloop3 ep. 28 的影片資訊
十幾歲就開始做模特兒, 仲要簽埋劉德華旗下公司做演員! 後來攞起相機做攝影師, 最難忘拍金像獎場刊, 林家棟秒秒都係戲!...
十幾歲就開始做模特兒, 仲要簽埋劉德華旗下公司做演員! 後來攞起相機做攝影師, 最難忘拍金像獎場刊, 林家棟秒秒都係戲!...
在紐約修讀戲劇後回港參選香港先生, 再以一首二次創作PPAP之Pork Lego Guy人氣急升, 開創一種別樹一格的幽默, 佢又點係認真演戲同鬼馬搞笑之間取得平衡? 片尾仲會有驚喜! Vide...
Billy Joel's "Uptown girl" 林子祥 "我愛你" and Y U U Video: Henry Leung, Alex Lam, Marcus Cheng...
So what is a musical legend? Is it a someone with a perfect vocal? amazing pitch? Attractive looks? ...
Meet TMA the producer behind Alex Lam’s “Good Vibrations” and follow as he show your the craft that ...
即將推出首張個人全新概念大碟, 第一隻歌”如斯”, 為自己嘅歌曲做所有決定, 係一種點樣嘅感覺?...
So what is a musical legend? Is it a someone with a perfect vocal? amazing pitch? Attractive looks? ...
So what is a musical legend? Is it a someone with a perfect vocal? amazing pitch? Attractive looks? ...
阿聰於1994 年創辦音樂雜誌《音樂殖民地雙週刊》(MCB)。文字現散佈於中、港、台的平面及網絡媒體。佢又點睇世界同香港嘅音樂進程?...
GOOD VIBRATIONS Music and Lyrics by Alex Lam Featuring Teresa Tseng Produced by TMA at Blue moon Pro...