flutes 在 J.Herman: Souvenir de Lucie de Lammermoor 的影片資訊
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna J.Herman: Souvenir de Lu...
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna J.Herman: Souvenir de Lu...
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna J.E. Demersseman & F.C. ...
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna Franz & Karl Doppler: Ri...
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna F. Doppler: "La Sonnambu...
"A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vienna Alessandro Baticci: "Ear...
Encore Piece from the Concert "A Night at the Opera" on 29.May.2013 in Italian Culture Institute, Vi...
Encore Piece from the concert on 25.06.2012 in KHS Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 安可曲 取自2012年六月二十五日於台北蘆洲功學社音樂...
官網 http://www.paigesu.com 粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/su.paige 演出介紹&售票訊息:http://goo.gl/Lsk0K 影片製作...
驀然回首 詞:辛棄疾(南宋〈青玉案.元夕〉) 曲:陳建榜 編:雙雙 東風夜放花千樹,更吹落星如雨。 寶馬雕車香滿路,鳳簫聲動, 玉壺光轉,一夜魚龍舞。 蛾兒雪柳黃金縷,笑語盈盈暗香去。 眾裏尋他千...