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▼▼▼睇呢度可以留意到我日常動向▼▼▼ Instagram ► Facebook ►
Fifi為了答謝在INSTAGRAM上的 1 million followers,她用了一個她自家製的冷笑話去送給大家!這是之前在香港錄音時的花絮片段,請細心欣賞喇!...
Thank you to each one of my followers for appreciating & sharing my work and helping me reach 50k fo...
三月初,連續兩個周末飛去臺灣朝聖。這兩次參加法會,很感動,因爲根本上師,蓮生活佛,的威德力能攝召萬人從世界各地,四面八方來,又能夠傳那麽多法,真的達到密法廣傳。唯有佛才能有如此廣大的攝召力。 除了感...
今天去台灣整個三杯雞,再多謝一下Facebook網友嘅支持 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 A famous Taiwanese dish and a special t...
Hi everyone! Surprise surprise! Terkejut tak? :D Thanks to 4000 subscribers & 23000 followers on I...
Friends, family and followers have been commenting about this weird accent that I suddenly developed...
第三屆中學文憑試(HKDSE)今天放榜,今屆狀元共有七男五女,當中有學生立志成為醫生、律師,亦有人想修讀政治,想在兩極的社會氣氛中找出路。 有線新聞 (http://cablenews.i-cabl...
Hello girlies! Good to see you again, as requested, my signature & most favourite makeup look, the d...
We went back to KL to surprise Aiman Afiff since he didn't manage to meet us last week because he wa...