in seoul 在 2010.04.24.DAISHI DANCE in Seoul@HEAVEN 的影片資訊
2010年4月~9月まで毎月最終土曜日にレギュラーパーティやってます。 タイトルDAISHI DAY 曲は武田真治先輩との新曲DEMOです。...
2010年4月~9月まで毎月最終土曜日にレギュラーパーティやってます。 タイトルDAISHI DAY 曲は武田真治先輩との新曲DEMOです。...
tube 2010.04.21 - - Korea seoul cheongdamdong ...
DAISHI DANCE in SEOUL 2009 Pnanetarium./DAISHI DANCE... 20080613...
Racing Seoul The appearance of 1098 clearly and without uselessness will enchant all the people who...
Korean Traditional Instrument+Fusion Jazz concert in 2007, Seoul, Korea. band name: Oriental Expr...
Just a little tour around Yonsei University in Seoul. This was shot in 2008....
An idea that was supposed to be shot in 2002 but only produced in 2004 due to some dispute between t...
Embroidery work in Itaewon, Seoul. Very skillful guy, doing it free hand....