ink painting 在 Street Corner with color inks 的影片資訊
I'm painting a street corner using waterproof color inks made by Kakimori (a brand and a store locat...
I'm painting a street corner using waterproof color inks made by Kakimori (a brand and a store locat...
Painting with a Pigment Ink, Permanent, Waterproff Pen - How to paint with watercolor / Painting Tec...
#外澳#宜蘭#空拍 外澳離烏石港不算太遠的地方,也有美麗的沙灘可以觀海玩沙,衝浪及戲水。而且不像烏石港的沙灘,人潮這麼的多,且離海也比較近,很快就可以享受逐波踏浪的樂趣。 到訪的時候是三月初,已...
#看海#散心#外澳 小時候最喜歡望海,一有機會就跟死黨在西子灣欣賞美麗的海景。 海是壯闊,是一覽無遺的,藍海盪漾,令人著迷,也能激發無窮的想像空間。 放下一切,呆呆的看,傻傻的望,這種放空才能獲得全...
#新埔#新竹#dji 因為新埔市區已經是禁飛區,所以只能往郊外空拍,其實市區老街和平路上有許多的古蹟值得一看,而鄰近的客家傳統市場早上時也非常的熱鬧,日昇飲食店和邱婆婆傳統豆花是每次來都必吃的好料,...
This picture of a bakery was made for a feature in the Japanese TV NHK program called "Bi no Tsubo" ...
How to paint with ink / Painting Techniques- JayLee - ---------------------------------------------...
【屯門畫室Patreon 頻道】▶ 屯門畫室已經在 patreon.com開設了頻道,內容包括更深入的實時專屬繪畫教學影片...
#外澳#外澳沙灘#空拍 有時候空拍的對象選擇也很重要,如果遇到是動態的,可以放慢飛行速度,或僅以移動鏡頭來獲取畫面,而遇到靜態,就可以透過大幅度的空拍角度的改變,來增加影像內容的豐富度。 ►►►歡...
In this video, I'm painting a view of the inside of a fountain pen store called Eurobox located in G...