japanese architecture 在 Painting a bakery for NHK 的影片資訊
This picture of a bakery was made for a feature in the Japanese TV NHK program called "Bi no Tsubo" ...
This picture of a bakery was made for a feature in the Japanese TV NHK program called "Bi no Tsubo" ...
DIYでおんぼろキッチンをリフォームpart3 今回はボードの不要な部分のカットから始まり、根太組みや断熱材の施工を行いました。 途中、これまでドラ吉DIYで長くお世話になって来たパオックのテーブルソ...
DIYでおんぼろキッチンをリフォームpart2 今回は一段床が高くなっている茶の間の畳を剥がして床下を解体。 想像以上に手間取ってしまいましたが、何とか全ての部材を外し終える事が出来ました。 構造的に...
風呂はいいねえ~! Create a hot spring Good morning. I live in Japan, so I will be doing Japanese style archi...
I try to imagine and paint cute Japanese stores to learn how to create things not based on direct re...
おはよう!朝からマイクラしているよ! 和風建築、風流でいいよね~! Japanese style architecture Good morning. I live in Japan, so I w...
Ep029- Run fat girl run - Azalea Fung⠀ .⠀ Being the first non-Japanese employee, what was the challe...
I try to imagine and paint cute Japanese stores as a part of this year's goal to learn how to create...
A new project comes! I try to imagine and paint cute Japanese stores as a part of this year's goal t...
?SHEET MUSIC & Mp3 ▸ http://www.makhonkit.com ?LEARN MY SONGS ▸ https://tinyurl.com/RayMak-flowkey ...