marie kondo 斷捨離 在 S&J we moved AGAIN?!?!... A MESSY HOUSE TOUR, a 300sq ft kitchen & a WALK-IN WARDROBE!?!? 的影片資訊
Never thought we'd move this year, but then again last time we moved it was unexpected too. Last tim...
Never thought we'd move this year, but then again last time we moved it was unexpected too. Last tim...
其實我哋都唔算經常搬屋 陳生就住勻港九新界,上環,藍田,將軍澳,新界 陳太未住過港島, 好想搬去中環???(唔好啦?) 今次有決定睇樓,揀啱,到搬屋,成個過程都有幾個月。 都唔算太過倉猝,有少少嘅計... 整理好累 ----------------------------------------- ☾ EXCLUSIVE DI...
我在末羊子頻道出現的影片: 記得追蹤末羊喔: - 👇(最新)財務等級健檢: https://yalec...
Marie Kondo can actually be applied to everything Marie Kondo my cameras as I was saying Marie Kondo...
去年陸陸續續看了許多與lifestyle相關的影片 逐漸對於自己滿山滿谷的衣服和美妝保養用品感到厭煩 所以決定要來好好清理一下自己過多的東西 我參考了Marie Kondo 近藤麻理惠的怦然心動的人生...
本集Yale會跟大家一起整理衣櫥,好好過新的一年 ✔️Yale Chen美股被動式投資課程: 訂閱頻道 👉🏻 https://bit...