metro vocal group 在 想你張國榮演唱會 鄭丹瑞主持 歌神許冠傑壓軸演出 張智霖唱風繼續吹 的影片資訊
讓人期待 4月1日晚上7時30分至8時30《想你 張國榮》 去年舉辦過同類型音樂會的《鄭丹瑞》早前公布籌辦《想你張國榮》演唱會總監由蕭潮順擔任 1:05 阿旦特意拜訪《哥哥》前經理人陳淑芬和唐唐(唐鶴...
讓人期待 4月1日晚上7時30分至8時30《想你 張國榮》 去年舉辦過同類型音樂會的《鄭丹瑞》早前公布籌辦《想你張國榮》演唱會總監由蕭潮順擔任 1:05 阿旦特意拜訪《哥哥》前經理人陳淑芬和唐唐(唐鶴...
This 360 video was filmed with GoPro Fusion. Special Thanks to Sensation M, which are two a cappell...
Metro Vocal Group’s rendition of Leslie Cheung’s Dzoi “追” Special Thanks: Jeremy H Greenberg - http...
Interested in learning how to record, mix and master your group? Check out this latest OTR with Mich...
Michael Lance gives us a more in depth look at the art of Editing, Mixing, and Mastering! Before w...
新歌上線!我們以阿卡貝拉純人聲的形式,融入放克、節奏藍調、嘻哈、電子樂等多種元素,試圖重鑄經典歌曲,突破人聲的枷鎖。 . 母帶特地送至位於美國NC的音響工程,短時間內好幾次的溝通與修整,才心甘情願地產...
We would like to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's day. Please enjoy our latest Tagalog music vi...
MVG’s beautiful version of the Chinese classics, Jasmine Flower(茉莉花)! #metrovocalgroup #mvg #metro...
Kevin & Eric give tips that help them with MVG’s social Media, and Sean talks about Corporate Gigs! ...
Another episode of "Off the Record". Sean gives us insight on leading rehearsals and Michael fills u...