midori notebook 在 竟然為了這個解定存!2020年度精選手帳開箱【腦波弱開箱】EP16 的影片資訊
因為事關於小夥伴的定存 所以只能買起來了!! 年底就是開箱2020年精選手帳的好時間呀~~ 手帳連結: 【MIDORI MD NOTEBOOK 】2020手帳日記 https://www.books...
因為事關於小夥伴的定存 所以只能買起來了!! 年底就是開箱2020年精選手帳的好時間呀~~ 手帳連結: 【MIDORI MD NOTEBOOK 】2020手帳日記 https://www.books...
MIDORI MD NOTEBOOK 2020手帳日記 一期一會 「一期一會」在日文中是指:「這次見到的人,很可能這一生再也不見」之意。我們與每一天的相遇都像與不同的人邂逅,讓我們將每天發生的事情與...
I must say the experience is such a breeze to collaborate with LeCow & Le-Right. I am so impressed w...
少少幾樣7、8、9月愛用品跟大家分享~~ 這次的東西都有出現在我近期的手帳裡面 可以去我的 Instagram 裡找找😎 🍒文具資訊(按照順序) 1.夏米花園:邊框印章 2.MIDORI MD No...
Motherhood has definitely kept me busy and my journaling style is becoming more and more minimal jus...
I finally got to painting an illustration based on our trip to Kanazawa last year to visit the famou...
Music: Though I Know Site: https://icons8.com/music/ Music: Where Am I Going Site: https://icons8.co...
Finally filmed a tour! It's definitely not perfect and needs more work, but I'm really excited about...
Hello friends, If you have followed me on YouTube for quite a while, you know that I have always en...
這次直播抖抖星系的新品 有手夾封蠟印章&印章 個人最愛手夾封蠟印章 作者資訊 https://www.facebook.com/dougalaxystamp/ 音樂 / Music: homew...