miss lee 在 COVER 1 藍星蕾 Amber Na【想見你想見你想見你Miss You 3000】Cover 八三夭831【想見你 Someday or One Day】片尾曲 的影片資訊
藍星蕾 Amber Na【想見你想見你想見你Miss You 3000】Cover 八三夭831【想見你 Someday or One Day】片尾曲 原曲 Original:八三夭831 - 想見...
藍星蕾 Amber Na【想見你想見你想見你Miss You 3000】Cover 八三夭831【想見你 Someday or One Day】片尾曲 原曲 Original:八三夭831 - 想見...
〈不敢在夢裡面對夢醒的感受 No Right To Dream〉 那些受難者們,曾經面對過的人生,是多麼的沉重 身處在亂世,對於未來的想像本身就是奢侈。 「終其一生,外婆從未見到此信,也不曾再婚。...
School's back and Miss Sherly is the new teacher for ClassN4T1. What better way to re-introduce ours...
The new students & classt1t5 battle it out in a series of games testing their wit and skill in this ...
慢慢說 2020 唯一專場 《生活來點Soul》 2020.9.20 2:00pm @角落音樂餐廳 生活來點Soul 事事都很Chill 口罩保護下的毛細孔 也想透透氧 2020.9.20 不想再...
Released on Facebook @ June 24, 2020. Something I’ve been doing aside from music...(and about two ...
hi guys, few weeks ago, i have bought new laptop battery from shopee. this is my very first time to...
氣氛簡約,但力度無極限。我們這回邀請了模特兒劉欣瑜、空手道選手文姿云、遊泳國手和健身男孩,詮釋一個關於力量的絕美故事。 工作人員名單: Editor-in-Chief: Leslie Sun Pho...
Released on Facebook @ June 2, 2020 (I don't own the right to the music clips heard on this video)...