prickly 在 小A十二月的最愛化妝,護膚品﹠雜項 ❤ December Favourites 2013 的影片資訊
Please ❤LIKE and ❤SUBSCRIBE ! 你既LIKE係我剪片既動力啊~~~:3 Follow 小A : Instagram...
Please ❤LIKE and ❤SUBSCRIBE ! 你既LIKE係我剪片既動力啊~~~:3 Follow 小A : Instagram...
Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more HUALS! Giveaway 2 Set Rimmel 產品!! (無錯!會有2個人得獎 ^3^ ) 2 件都係我係之前v...
今次同大家講解我地既敵人!正所謂「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,我地會用史上最搞笑既方法去講解黑頭粉刺既形式(包唔會悶親你地)然後再介紹一d保濕去黑頭既產品!Subscribe + Like ~ love ...
-Make Up- Lips: Tom Ford lip lacquer (Limited edition) (From LaneCrawford) Top Shop Lipstick - C...
Pardon my language, but we were lost and really tired. Encountering this gross little event made thi...
If you care this year will be the fifth year First, I hope Tears named after the Star Festival on...