pronunciation of learned 在 I Learned to Speak German from Google Translate 的影片資訊
SIGN UP for my free newsletter and I'll send you updates on my latest language projects: https://lan...
SIGN UP for my free newsletter and I'll send you updates on my latest language projects: https://lan...
Today I’m talking with Luke Ranieri (@ScorpioMartianus) who literally speaks fluent Latin and conver...
私の日記・ジャーナル 🕐 Time Stamp 0:17 Summertime 0:39 Speaking of "long" 1:02 Appointment at a hair salon 3:4...
thank you to and duolingo, i really and truly learned a lot for such a short am...
名前は憶えてくれたのかな?子猫まや。 動画冒頭は、人工哺育なので、ミルクの時間(約2時間おき)に名前を呼んでミルクや薬(インターフェロン・抗菌薬等)を与えていた頃の様子。 Did he rememb...