put out意思 在 台灣助你入眠放鬆之旅 Taiwan relaxing footage to help you sleep. ASMR 的影片資訊
Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. I just thought I would put together some of my old Taiwan...
Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. I just thought I would put together some of my old Taiwan...
#蘋果點心 #聖誕party食物 #蘋果批 #聖誕點心 蘋果派是我請朋友來我家時常做的菜式,所以特意選了這個來做和大家Q&A的影片。剛巧蘋果派的餡料由蘋果加入不同的香料如肉桂、丁香、八角和糖煮成,濃...
#記得打開CC字幕 ❗️竟然跟 Jolin 專輯概念相同 ?! ❗️什麼?? Mother's Daughter 歌詞這麼兇 ?! ❗️沒想到這首歌也抨擊時事議題 ?? 👇最下面還有中英歌詞翻譯喔 ...
Ed Sheeran 的 Mashup終於完成了!呵呵..讓大家久等了不好意思^^~ 再次恭喜IsAac Boo ,這首歌就送給你啦!希望你喜歡啦! 當然也謝謝大家那麼踴躍地參與這次的活動~ 希望以後...
Find out where to listen to all versions of "Where Do We Go": http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoAllVersions ...