staypositive 在 s&j How to buy a gift for your BF, GF, Wife, or Husband??? ft TAG Heuer 的影片資訊
Apparently March 14 is White Valentines Another test for all the guys out there to find ANOTHER gift...
Apparently March 14 is White Valentines Another test for all the guys out there to find ANOTHER gift...
嚟緊白色情人節 男士們又要絞盡腦汁去諗禮物 雖然呢條片係講手錶,但係當中嘅道理其實買乜都得? 講錶陳生講極都講唔完??? 離唔開係旗艦款式、最靚、潛水、耐用 佢揀錶都真係幾貪心? 陳太相對容易揀...
又來一個考陳生陳太嘅遊戲 買餸,買衫,買科技嘢 實質我哋對於生活各方面嘅嘢嘅價錢有幾了解呢? 的士價錢唔知其實都情有可原 平時就自己揸車 唔揸車都可能會call車 Call車又未必係的士,you s...
Some friends of Youtube have requested we do an outfit challenge. How to style ourselves with minima...
有朋友提議叫我哋用最低成本打造一個靚靚造型。 唔知大家覺得$500嘅BUDGET夠唔夠貼地,夠唔夠實惠呢? $500可以買到啲咩?一條褲?一件衫?一對鞋? 今次我哋挑戰嘅係全身嘅造型都係要喺$500嘅...
Car top picnic is our new topic for 《EAT》…We honestly considered celebrating Valentines Day Lunch ea...
團年飯/情人節咁樣慶祝夠曬難忘啦掛!!又唔使訂位,又唔使同人逼,最重要係夠曬安全! 車上野餐,呢個題材真係唔錯。依家出去做嘢,好多時都係同陳生喺車上開餐,如果有時間就會搵個開揚D嘅露天地方慢慢食。聽落...
a flat tour would scare the **** out of you??? It's such a mess... Everything's in the wrong place.....
flat tour可能嚇親大家 宜家亂到呢! d野係無晒秩序,d野全部亂咁擺 無辦法,仔仔d野太多啦? 都算係room tour??? 估唔到最舒服、寬敞房間係Damon既? 24考父母??? A...
Some last minute CNY prep include cleaning the house so its spick and span and also getting a new ha...