sweet love of mine 在 New Makeup Releases | Will I Purchase it? Thoughts on New Makeup. 的影片資訊
In this video, I am chatting about some new releases in the beauty industry both in the Indian marke...
In this video, I am chatting about some new releases in the beauty industry both in the Indian marke...
呢一首歌係近期超級stuck in my head,好深情好sweet, 平坦描述緊我好嚮往既一種愛情既歌黎。每一次聽都感覺到已經沉浸左係裡面咁,可以留意下啲歌詞?係呢段大家都home office或...
真的愛你 - Beyond 呢首歌應該係我細細個嘅時候差不多第一首接觸嘅流行曲 (嗰陣時聽兒歌比較多)。 仲記得嗰次係謝霆鋒喺電視唱比佢媽咪聽。今日係我媽咪生日嘅正日,但係自從返咗嚟香港,呢幾年都冇...
Hey Guys! (Watch in HD and spot all my little pimples) Here's a BLUSH REVIEW video where I review ...
In this video, I am sharing the best berry and plum toned lipsticks which I have used for Indian Ski...
2019/03/12 卒業演奏会 岸本美咲 1.Sweet Love Of Mine 2.Left Alone 3.Get Happy...
Ed Sheeran 來香港開演唱會!!!這是我最喜愛他的歌!所以看演唱會前一定要cover,這次找來我的監制徐浩幫我彈結他和唱和音,謝謝你 ❤ Perfect - Ed Sheeran I fo...
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!! Not only is it CNY, Valentine's Day is also just around the corn...
Best of Makeup Products of 2018 is here!! I have already done a bunch of dedicated videos for certa...
In this video, I am sharing an update on how I have been doing on my Project Pan. Original video: h...