taiwan east 在 【六十石山】空拍超夢幻金針花海!花蓮人帶路一日行程輕鬆玩~深山美食必點石頭料理|酷力酥凱文 的影片資訊
也可以在以下粉絲專頁追蹤我們 LINE: https://lin.ee/jtAyFwj Facebook: https://fb.me/chriskevinchannel instagram: htt...
也可以在以下粉絲專頁追蹤我們 LINE: https://lin.ee/jtAyFwj Facebook: https://fb.me/chriskevinchannel instagram: htt...
#跑山獸 #台灣百岳 #北二段 0:30 DAY 1 北二段 19.2km / 2400m / 8h15m 11.7km 730線林道→17.5km 730線林道→遠多志山→鬼門關斷崖→無明水池 (...
【2021花蓮民宿推薦】海公主民宿-sea pricess B&B,服務親切,手工現煮早餐豐盛美味!CP值超高 - #花蓮民宿 #海公主民宿 #B&B - 當日現煮的早餐超級豐盛~~~讓人相當飽足! ...
Finally got to paraglide in Taiwan! The location is: 外澳飛行傘基地 It cost 1200 NTD = about $43 Live str...
今天的影片比較輕鬆,前幾天我和朋友們去了一間 #倫敦 的蜀姐火鍋,但我的大學同學沒有吃過火鍋,就帶他來體驗一下麻辣火鍋!(希望他不會覺得太辣🥵) 00:00 開頭 00:37 認識食材 01:35 ...
This is a song Mike and I have been writing for many years. We finally finished the second verse rec...
Just a little cute day vlog of me and Amanda's wholesome afternoon tea at this beautiful Rose Garden...
FORMOSA TRAIL 福爾摩沙古 main loop with my wife Eva Lobo. This course is maintained by Petr Novotny and @...
台灣不需要核能和火力發電?3個使用更多再生能源的方法! | 3 Ways for Taiwan to get more renewable energy! 這部影片僅以個人看法說明,主要希望以輕鬆的...
:^) Tau and I took a daytrip on the motorbike and explored an abandoned building in Tamsui distric...