take for granted 在 PASTEL MAKEUP GRWM ? Quarantine Body Image, Where I've Been 的影片資訊
And just like that, spring has come and gone ? Let's play with lilac purple blush and catch up about...
And just like that, spring has come and gone ? Let's play with lilac purple blush and catch up about...
多謝你哋上一次嘅支持,我今次又同雀巢Drumstick拍廣告啦! 我知道呢啲都唔係必然嘅。當我仲做緊模特兒嘅時候成日都會俾人拒絕,呢啲機會好似離我好遠...七年前我嚟呢度嘅時候乜都冇剩係得夢想。今日我...
🔥支付寶打賞:13581883245 🔥王炳忠今日頭條:搜索「王炳忠台灣」 🔥王炳忠臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/bingzhong.wang ♦♦♦ “Are you ...
In March, we returned to Singapore just hours before the government imposed a SHN for those returnin...
I know this overdue Feb Vlog must seem like quite a throwback! Feb was definitely a busy month for ...
I will have to stop filming my normal vlogs but will definitely come up with something. Tough time f...
追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹 facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland spotify 歌單👉https://open.spoti...
Hey guys! Sorry this came out so late but, hey better late than never right? The second half of Dece...
Today we're talking about how we shouldn't take love for granted. When we have it in abundance, we w...
If You Often Feel Like You Don't Have Enough Or You Look At Other People On Social Media Who Has A L...