thomas bryant 在 全能藍領!球隊缺乏禁區深度看這邊!|【2019 NBA選秀】Bruno Fernando 的影片資訊
嘿是的大家好 高分少女第一季看完了 所以只好乖乖出片惹 Fernando算是本屆我很喜歡的球員之一 所以即便知名度和上限都不高 但還是決定介紹給大家 就這樣 我開始研究下一個要做誰去~ #Bruno...
嘿是的大家好 高分少女第一季看完了 所以只好乖乖出片惹 Fernando算是本屆我很喜歡的球員之一 所以即便知名度和上限都不高 但還是決定介紹給大家 就這樣 我開始研究下一個要做誰去~ #Bruno...
Support the stream: 身為一個講話都還會吃螺絲的直播主 好像也沒啥能要求觀眾啦((笑 不要洗頻、不要人身攻擊...
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Allen Iverson scored 10 points in a decisive fourth-quarter run and Jim Jackson hit six free throws ...
Allen Iverson was practically going like 60. Iverson scored a career-high 58 points -- the most i...
Watch live at 1950-1990 All Star Team PG:Oscar Robertson/Magic John...
Watch live at 1950-1990 All Star Team PG:Oscar Robertson/Magic John...
Credit to baldheadkid Hot-shooting Allen Iverson had 31 points and eight assists as the Philadel...
Once the flu didn't stop Allen Iverson, nobody could. Iverson scored a season-high 50 points, l...
The strange confluence of Chris Webber's past and present came down to the play that "never works." ...