watercolor background free 在 Journal With Me 手帳分享202108 夏日的尾聲 的影片資訊
#journalwithme #手帳拼貼 #紙膠帶拼貼 跟我一起畫女孩插畫,拼貼寫手帳 我的手帳專頁 Welcome to see my journal page~ facebook : http...
#journalwithme #手帳拼貼 #紙膠帶拼貼 跟我一起畫女孩插畫,拼貼寫手帳 我的手帳專頁 Welcome to see my journal page~ facebook : http...
== Vimeo version (better quality) https://vimeo.com/388631297 == An animation based on my watercolo...
[ Level 2 ] Real-time Online Painting Tutorials are available at : PATREON : https://www.patreon.com...
A small experiment I did with my Copic markers. I had a small set of them (mostly blues and skin-ton...
The fifth piece in the “Tokyo at Night” series of watercolors paintings. I again used one of my own ...
チャンネル登録 SUBSCRIBE → http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rinrindolly ENGLISH CHANNEL ...
德國生活漸漸上軌道後,生活習慣與看待事情也潛移默化的改變中,德國這三年到底對我做了什麼事,害我變成這樣(誤)?!各位住在德國的朋友,也可以跟恬分享你們的想法喔~ 最近推出【遊德國 學德語-德語A1先...
LOL I uploaded a test video before this and realized it was public, deleted right away XD This vide...