work visa taiwan 在 EP46 | 5 分鐘補血 #釣魚台就像發票 #台灣小心第二波 #限量版朝聖 #看得到吃不到的工作 #全球疫情慘 | 推薦《敏迪選讀》 | 聽新聞·學英文 的影片資訊
贊助我一杯咖啡,我們一起聽新聞、學英文! 【時間碼】 00:00:13 archipelago 群島 #釣魚...
贊助我一杯咖啡,我們一起聽新聞、學英文! 【時間碼】 00:00:13 archipelago 群島 #釣魚...
This is one of those TIC (This is China) stories that will give you a very good look into the way th...
關於任何二簽的問題都可以在下面留言提問唷,盡我所能回答你~ 記得第一個簽證的體檢編號跟Grant Number要留好喔 關於簽證申請時間,書面是寫22~30,全部憑運氣其實 如果超過一個月的話可以打電...
Explanation of my current visa issues and my thoughts about government policy on foreigners working ...
I have received many questions from people asking me about how they can come here to work and live a...
The political environment is complicated by the potential for military conflict should Taiwan make o...