wu kong 在 [冠軍歌王Kara King] 完整版預告 Official Movie Trailer 01.08.2013 全馬上映! 的影片資訊
KARA KING - opens nationwide 1st August 2013 Movie Synopsis (Directed by Namewee) Wu (Ng Mang Tat)...
KARA KING - opens nationwide 1st August 2013 Movie Synopsis (Directed by Namewee) Wu (Ng Mang Tat)...
http://senzahk.com SENZA A CAPPELLA用純人聲重新演繹周杰倫的"珊瑚海。 SENZA經過兩年時間的準備,於2012年7月13日呈獻他們的第二個演唱會!SENZA於"唱...
Good Night (Live) Chochukmo "Good Night" Single Release Concert 25 - 26.05.2012 Hidden Agenda Filme...
如果G.E.M.不做歌手...? 進入第三站的秘撈Tour,今次G.E.M. 以外籍傭工身份走進她們的世界。透過親身體驗她們的工作及生活,了解這群和我們生活在同一片土地、每天默默耕耘的外傭們。 Th...
Music video of the song Love me for who I am from our debut album bittersweet. Directed by Sammie...
Music video by Jason Chan performing Dong Wu Nong Zhuang. (C) 2012 Sony Music Entertainment Hong Kon...
My 12th drum cover, from a Hong Kong band 逆流 (NiLiu), the song is called 殘樓. This is the first time...
很喜歡這首歌的編曲,由於原曲的鼓part不是太多,我又加了很多新的fill-in,說是cover不如說成remake較合適。喜歡的話歡迎轉發出去,謝! My 10th drum cover, fro...
ᴥFollow Jasonᴥ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JasonChanPakYuOfficial Instagram: http://instagram....